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¡ESCARBA! Los Secretos del Suelo

International Union of Soil Sciences


Cuautitlán Izcalli México, noviembre 10 de 2019

Dr. Mario Pérez Bidegain
Presidente de la Sociedad Uruguaya de la Ciencia del Suelo

La Unión Internacional de Ciencia del Suelo (IISS - International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) actualmente) lanzó una resolución en 2002 proponiendo declarar el 5 de diciembre como el "Día Mundial del Suelo" (WSD), con el fin de resaltar la importancia del suelo como un componente fundamental del sistema natural y su contribución vital al bienestar de la humanidad.

Propuesto por la actual Unión Internacional de Ciencias del Suelo (IUSS) en 2002, la FAO siempre ha apoyado el establecimiento formal del Día Mundial del Suelo: WSD como una plataforma de sensibilización global con el apoyo del Reino de Tailandia y en el marco de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo de la FAO (AMSFAO).

La Conferencia de la FAO aprobó por unanimidad el Día Mundial del Suelo en junio de 2013 y solicitó su adopción oficial en la 68ª Asamblea General de la ONU. En diciembre de 2013, la Asamblea General de la ONU respondió designando el 5 de diciembre de 2014 como el primer Día Mundial Oficial del Suelo. Se eligió la fecha del 5 de diciembre para WSD porque corresponde con el cumpleaños oficial de H. M. El Rey Bhumibol Adulyadej, el Rey de Tailandia, quien apoyó oficial y fuertemente el tema del suelo desde nuestro 17º Congreso Mundial de Ciencias del Suelo de la IUSS hasta su aprobación por la FAO y la ONU.

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Desde el año 2015, gracias a la FAO, se celebra cada 5 de diciembre el Día Mundial de los Suelos, para revitalizar un recurso fundamental en la agricultura y en la alimentación.

Vicente Plata, Fernando García Préchac y Mario Pérez
Vicente Plata, Fernando García Préchac y Mario Pérez

La degradación del suelo es uno de los temas que más preoucopa a nivel mundial, incluso más que el agua ya que éste es un recurso totalmente renovabel, según los expertos. Sin embargo, cada centímetro de suelo de pradera tarda 250 años en formarse, por lo que un centímetro de suelo necesita de varias generaciones para recrearse.

En el marco del Día Mundial del Suelo, el Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP) dedicó su conferencia de prensa semanal a recordar la importancia que tiene la tierra en todas las actividades humanas.

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Estimados socios y amigos:


Este 5 de diciembre se celebra el Día Mundial del Suelo. La Conferencia de la FAO en junio de 2013 aprobó su celebración en forma unánime y en diciembre del mismo año la 68° Asamblea General de la ONU designó al 5 de diciembre de 2014 como el primer Día Mundial del  Suelo. Este día tiene como objetivo concientizar a la humanidad sobre el cuidado y manejo sostenible del mismo. Por más información,  pueden visitar:


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Global Soil Partnership Newsletter

Newsletter No. 19, 9 August 2018

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was established in December 2012 by FAO member countries as a mechanism to promote sustainable soil management. One of the key objectives of the GSP is to improve soil governance, ensure healthy and productive soils in all land uses across the globe and with partners ranging from land users, policy makers to general public.

Upcoming World Congress of Soil Science

12 - 17 August | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS):“SOIL SCIENCE: Beyond food and fuel” will take place next 12 – 17 August 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It represents one of the most acclaimed global scientific meeting in the field of soil science with an expected attendance of 7,500 participants from 140 countries. The WCSS takes place every four years.

See the programme >>

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Global Soil Partnership Newsletter

Sixth Session of the GSP Plenary Assembly

The 6th GSP Plenary Assembly (PA) will take place at FAO HQ in Rome from 11 to 13 June 2018. The GSP PA constitutes the decision making body of the GSP and the main forum where all GSP partners gather to discuss and make decisions about the global soil agenda. Representatives from member countries of FAO and partners will review the progress made during the last year and will discuss the work plan for 2018–2019, including:

• Progress under the GSP Pillars including the development/execution of implementation plans;
• Progress report on Regional Soil Partnerships;
• Main accomplishments of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) in the biennium 2017 – 2018 and the appointment of the new ITPS panel for 2018 – 2020;
• Progress report on the financial status of GSP, including the Healthy Soils Facility;
• GSP-prompted activities, such as the organization of the past symposiums on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Pollution, the state-of-the-work and the proposal for the next symposiums;
• The communication campaign for World Soil Day 2017 – 2018 and the Glinka World Soil Prize award.

The side event “Afrisoils: boosting soil productivity for a food secured Africa” will be held during the PA.

The NENA Soil Partnership and the African Soil Partnership will meet in their plenary constituencies on 13 June 2018.

Register to the 6th Plenary Assembly meeting by 25 May 2018 here

Access the documents: English | Spanish

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30 de mayo, 13;30 hs
Local Bequeló - Soriano, Ruta 14 km 2.5

Técnicos invitados:

  • J. Miguel Reichert (Departamento de Suelos de Universidade Federal de Santa Maria)
  • Guido Botta (Docente del Departamento de Tecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Lujan)











A few more days to register! 

GSOP18 will be held at the FAO premises in Rome, Italy from 2 to 4 May 2018. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), together with the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, UN Environment and World Health Organization (WHO) are looking forward to this ground-breaking event and expect prominent keynote speakers and over 160 oral and poster presentations.

The Symposium will provide a common platform to discuss and elaborate on the latest information on the status, trends, threatening consequences of soil pollution on human health, food safety and the environment. Check the GSOP18 concept note and the preliminary agenda for more information.

The registration to the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution is mandatory and will close on the 8 April 2018

Website: Español 


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1st March 2018

We Are A Soil

Fellow Soil Scientists,

In the present era of soul-searching in soil science, it is important to accept the truism that people are a soil. Kenjiro Tekutomi (1868-1927), under the pen name of Roka Tokutomi, stated matter-of-factly in his book Ramblings of a Worm, “We are born above the soil, live by eating things produced by the soil, and after dying become soil. We are in the final analysis, soil in a different form.” Chief Seattle (circa 1852) stated that “We are part of the Earth, and it is part of us – what befalls the Earth befalls all the sons of Earth.” The German chemist, Justus Von Liebig (1803-1873), author of the Law of Minima and to whom the IUSS award is dedicated, stated that “for the soil to remain fertile, we must return to it everything that is taken from it.” Roy Simonson, an Ohioan soil scientist (1957), emphasized the importance of soil by stating that “be it deep or shallow, red or black, sand or clay, the soil is the link between the rock core of the Earth and the living things on its surface. It is the foothold of the plants we grow. Therein lies the main reason for our interest in soils.”

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Call for experts to serve on the ITPS
Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) invites its Partners to nominate experts from their regions as candidates for appointment to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS).

The main function of the ITPS is to provide scientific and technical advice and guidance to the GSP on global soil issues in the first instance and in relation to specific requests submitted by global or regional institutions.

The ITPS is composed of twenty-seven recognized soil experts. Its membership should ensure proper regional balance, optimal coverage of the range of scientific and practical areas of expertise required by the wide GSP mandate, as well as gender balance.

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